===== dummy ===== ==== view your mutes ==== tags | see who you have muted mastodon -> profile icon (top left) -> Import and export -> Data export -> You mute -> csv ==== links I came across ==== * https://mastodon.help/ - mastodon help * https://changelog.complete.org/archives/10124-how-to-join-the-fediverse-and-cast-off-the-attention-economy - what motivated me to join mastodon in the first place * https://docs.joinmastodon.org/ - documentation ==== terminology ==== ^ mastodon ^ facebook ^ | favorite | like | ===== mas.to configuration ===== ==== select the languages ==== In the top left hand corner -> click the "Edit profile" link. You can also go there by https://mas.to/settings/profile. -> Preferences -> Other -> Filter languages -> select English and తెలుగు