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count number of lines in a txz file

xz -cd foo.txz | wc -l
for i in *.txz; do echo $i; xz -cd $i | wc; done

file extensions

  • tar gzip compressed - .tgz
  • tar bzip2 compressed - .tar.bz2,, .tbz
  • tar xz compressed - .txz

sample commands

tar cJvf foo.txz foo

convert tgz to txz

cat foo.tgz | gzip -cd | xz > foo.txz

To do the other way around

cat foo.txz | xz -cd | gzip > foo.tgz


tags | change compression algorithm of a tar archive

tar_usage.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/26 21:24 by raju