==== Task ==== The goal here is to quickly search the command line history using glob pattern matching. ==== Situation ==== When reverse searching the command line history using ctrl-r, a lot of characters have to be typed before arriving at the correct command. For example, to go to "cd ~/work/gitlab/rutils", one approach is to ctrl-r cd and keep hitting ctrl-r until arriving at cd ~/work/gitlab/rutils Another approach is to ctrl-r cd ~/work/gitlab/r Here almost the entire command had to be typed since the user did many "cd ~/work/gitlab/xxx" type of commands after doing "cd ~/work/gitlab/rutils". Ideally, we want to avoid all this typing and get to the final command by typing a few keywords - say cd, rutils. ==== Solution ==== Add the following lines to ~/.zshrc. # Use glob patterns when using ctrl-r # ctrl-r wordA*wordB # will match commands where wordA is followed by wordB with zero or more number # of characters in between. This functionality is not available in old zsh # versions (ex:- 4.2.6) so check for its availability. zle -al | grep -q history-incremental-pattern-search-backward if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then bindkey "\C-r" history-incremental-pattern-search-backward fi After this ctrl-r cd*rutils will match commands where cd is followed by rutils. ==== System Information ==== Tested this tip using zsh 5.0.7 on a machine running Debian Jessie. % dpkg -l zsh | grep ^ii ii zsh 5.0.7-5 amd64 shell with lots of features tags | reverse search using partial matches shell, reverse search using multiple words shell, use glob patterns in ctrl-r ==== Related links ==== * My zshrc file - https://gitlab.com/d3k2mk7/dotfiles/blob/master/zsh/zshrc