==== 2023-12-18 ==== * https://ourworldindata.org/period-versus-cohort-measures-whats-the-difference - Period versus cohort measures: what’s the difference? * well written; high information density; easy to read and understand. ==== 2023-12-05 ==== * You can use the import linter package to enforce layered dependencies in a project. * https://blog.europython.eu/kraken-technologies-how-we-organize-our-very-large-pythonmonolith/ - Kraken Technologies: How we organise our very large Python monolith ==== 2023-10-31 ==== * https://github.com/gventuri/pandas-ai - PandasAI is the Python library that integrates Gen AI into pandas, making data analysis conversational ==== 2023-10-27 ==== * https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/vfht4r/check_the_inside_of_your_rotisserie_before_you/ - what is the brown stuff on the chicken? ==== 2023-10-23 ==== * https://shreevatsa.net/post/breaking-pills/ - Breaking pills ==== 2023-10-12 ==== * https://shreevatsa.net/post/irish-logarithm/ - Reverse-engineering the "Irish logarithm" * fascinating! ==== 2023-09-23 ==== * You can use :Sexplore and :Vexplore to open the local-directory browser. * :Sexplore - Horizontal Split & Explore * :Hexplore - Vertical Split & Explore * More info at https://vimhelp.org/pi_netrw.txt.html#%3ASexplore ==== 2023-09-22 ==== * https://github.com/jbms/finance-dl - Tools for automatically downloading/scraping personal financial data. * https://www.genome.gov/genetics-glossary/apoptosis * Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death. ==== 2023-09-13 ==== * https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/996369 - FDA Panel deems Phenylephrine ineffective. ==== 2023-09-08 ==== * A spike or piton is a piece of removable mountain-climbing gear that doesn’t get us any higher on the route, but it enables us to climb safely. * I came across it in https://tutswiki.com/convert-python-script-to-module/ * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piton shows a picture of piton. ==== 2023-08-28 ==== * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerial_work_platform#Scissor_lift - A scissor lift is a type of platform that can usually only move vertically. ==== 2023-06-07 ==== * https://brilliant.org/wiki/bloom-filter/ - a data structure used to add elements to a set and then test if an element belongs to that set (ex:- spell checker). * https://www.airnow.gov/national-maps/ - shows "current air quality" and "today's air quality forecast" for the entire US. * https://www.airnow.gov/ - to get the air quality data for where you live. * https://www.airnow.gov/?city=Morganville&state=NJ&country=USA - air quality data for Morganville. ==== 2023-05-23 ==== * You can show private contributions on the github profile by doing Profile icon at the top right → Settings → Contributions & Activity → “Include private contributions on my profile” → check → “Update preferences” Ref:- https://docs.github.com/en/account-and-profile/setting-up-and-managing-your-github-profile/managing-contribution-settings-on-your-profile/showing-your-private-contributions-and-achievements-on-your-profile ==== 2023-05-22 ==== * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transaction_log | Transaction log]] (wikipedia.org): A transaction log is a history of actions executed by a database management system used to guarantee ACID properties over crashes or hardware failures. ==== 2023-04-17 ==== * https://superuser.com/questions/10588/how-to-make-cut-copy-paste-in-gvim-on-ubuntu-work-with-ctrlx-ctrlc-ctrlv/189198#189198 - Use the "standard" hotkeys (Ctrl-c for copy, Ctrl-x for cut, and Ctrl-v for paste) in gvim on Debian. ==== 2023-01-09 ==== * The keyboard shortcut ''Ctrl-Alt-t'' will open a terminal window on Debian. Ref:- http://automatetheboringstuff.com/2e/appendixb/ -> "Running Programs from the Terminal Window" section -> second paragrah -> last line. The page mentions that it works on Ubuntu Linux. But when I tried it on Debian Linux (11.4; bullseye), it worked and opened a konsole.