Table of Contents


show after market prices in charts

open the chart → settings button at the top right → Outside RTH → drag to the right

excess funds sweep

IBKR Mobile → Settings button at the top left → Settings → Account Settings → Trading Permissions → Settings (at the top left) → Excess Funds Sweep → Scroll to the bottom → Excess Funds Sweep Method → Sweep to Securities Account


tags | which sweep is better securities or commodities?

Opt out of internalization

interest rate calculation

For the daily interest, IBKR uses 360 days. For example, if the principal is \$53,073.35, rate is 3.33%, the interest would be \$4.91

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In [1]:
p = 53073.35
r = 3.33
interest = round(p * (r/100) * (1/360), 2)



interest rates

fundamental data

IBKR gets the fundamental data from GFIS (Global Financial Information Services)