Table of Contents


Example 1

Example: 912797JA6 is a tbill with a maturity of 28 days. It was sold for $99.5905 on 2023-12-21. What is the yield?

Ans: For tbills of not more than half-year maturity, the yield is calculated as

i = ((100 - P)/P) * (y/r)

where y is the days in year, r is the days to maturity.

In [1]: 
def tbill_yield_short_maturity(P, r, y):
    i = ((100 - P) / P) * (y / r)
    i = round(i * 100, 3)
    return i

In [2]: 
tbill_yield_short_maturity(99.5905, 28, 366)

so the yield is 5.375%


Example 2

On showed

Security Term CUSIP Issue Date Maturity Date High Rate Investment Rate
4-Week 912797JB4 01/02/2024 01/30/2024 5.325% 5.436%

It was bought on 12/28/2023, settlement date = 1/2/2024 for a price of 99.585833. The yield on it is

In [1]: 
from tbill_yield import tbill_yield_short_maturity
tbill_yield_short_maturity(99.585833, 28, 366)

The 5.436 matches with the Investment Rate in the table.

So 'Issue Date' in the table is the settlement date.

Example 3

On showed

Security Term CUSIP Issue Date Maturity Date High Rate Investment Rate
4-Week 912797JC2 01/09/2024 02/06/2024 5.290% 5.400%

It was bought on 01/04/2024, settlement date = 1/9/2024 for a price of 99.588556. The yield on it is

In [2]: 
from tbill_yield import tbill_yield_short_maturity
tbill_yield_short_maturity(99.588556, 28, 366)

The precision in the price matters. If you only have 4 significant digits after the decimal, the result will not match with the 'Investment Rate'

In [3]: 
tbill_yield_short_maturity(99.5885, 28, 366)

Conclusion: Price should have 6 significant digits after the decimal.

Example 4 → Auction Results shows

Bills CMB CUSIP Issue Date High Rate Investment Rate Price per $100
42-Day Yes 912797HF7 02/29/2024 5.290% 5.397% $99.382833
42-Day Yes 912797GZ4 02/22/2024 5.280% 5.401% $99.384000 → CMBs tab shows

Security Term CUSIP Issue Date Maturity Date High Rate Investment Rate
42-Day 912797HF7 02/29/2024 04/11/2024 5.290% 5.397%
42-Day 912797GZ4 02/22/2024 04/04/2024 5.280% 5.401%

Combining both, we get

Security Term CMB CUSIP Issue Date Maturity Date High Rate Investment Rate Price per $100
42-Day Yes 912797HF7 02/29/2024 04/11/2024 5.290% 5.397% $99.382833
42-Day Yes 912797GZ4 02/22/2024 04/04/2024 5.280% 5.401% $99.384000

Notice how yield (Investment Rate) went down (from 5.401% to 5.397%) even though price went down (from \$99.384000 to \$99.382833) for the first entry? This is because the 'days in year' changes from 366 to 365.

$ ipython

In [1]:
from tbill_yield import tbill_yield_short_maturity
tbill_yield_short_maturity(99.384000, 42, 366)

In [2]:
tbill_yield_short_maturity(99.382833, 42, 365)

Ref: → tbill_yield_short_maturity()