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Get unique items in a list


Get the unique items from

['nowplaying', 'PBS', 'PBS', 'nowplaying', 'job', 'debate', 'thenandnow']

This can be one of three ways:

  1. Order does not matter.
    ['thenandnow', 'debate', 'nowplaying', 'PBS', 'job']

  2. Preserve the order. Keep the first unique one.

    ['nowplaying', 'PBS', 'job', 'debate', 'thenandnow']

  3. Preserve the order. Keep the last unique one.

    ['PBS', 'nowplaying', 'job', 'debate', 'thenandnow']
get_unique_items_in_a_list.1627076023.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/23 21:33 by raju