tags | Saver's Match
- https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF11159 - The Retirement Savings Contribution Credit and the Saver’s Match
- comprehensive; high information density with good amount of details, examples
- SECURE 2.0 created a federal Saver’s Match to replace the Saver’s Credit in 2027
- Notes from https://finance.yahoo.com/news/federal-government-match-retirement-plan-110000901.html?guccounter=1
filing status threshold 1 threshold 2 Single filers \$20,500 \$35,500 Joint filers \$41,000 \$71,000 Head of household \$30,750 \$53,250 if income < threshold1: eligible = True max_match = 1000 elif income < threshold2: eligible = True phase_out = True else: eligible = False
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_gains_tax_in_the_United_States - Capital gains tax in the United States
diary/2024-03/2024-03-06.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/14 14:58 by raju