map one series to another in a case insensitive manner
Given two dataframes
df1 Item Team 0 jetties Team_1 1 Jetty Team_2 2 Joint use Team_1 df2 Item 0 Jetty 1 Jetties 2 Joint use
map df2['Item'] to the corresponding Team using df1 as the lookup table.
Expected output (if case is included):
Item Team_include_case 0 Jetty Team_2 1 Jetties NaN 2 Joint use Team_1
Expected output (if case is ignored):
Item Team_ignore_case 0 Jetty Team_2 1 Jetties Team_1 2 Joint use Team_1
% cat import pandas as pd df1 = pd.DataFrame({ "Item": ["jetties", "Jetty", "Joint use"], "Team": ["Team_1", "Team_2", "Team_1"] }) print("df1") print(df1) df2 = pd.DataFrame({"Item": ["Jetty", "Jetties", "Joint use"]}) print("df2") print(df2) def map_series(s, df, key_col, value_col, ignore_case): if ignore_case: result = s.str.lower().map( df.assign(**{key_col: df[key_col].str.lower()}) .set_index(key_col)[value_col] ) else: result =[value_col]) return result df2["Team_include_case"] = map_series( df2["Item"], df1, "Item", "Team", ignore_case=False ) df2["Team_ignore_case"] = map_series( df2["Item"], df1, "Item", "Team", ignore_case=True ) print("after mapping") print(df2)
Sample run:
% python df1 Item Team 0 jetties Team_1 1 Jetty Team_2 2 Joint use Team_1 df2 Item 0 Jetty 1 Jetties 2 Joint use after mapping Item Team_include_case Team_ignore_case 0 Jetty Team_2 Team_2 1 Jetties NaN Team_1 2 Joint use Team_1 Team_1
- - I posted the above answer there.
- - shows how to pass a string variable to the dataframe assign function
map one column to another
% ipython Python 3.8.5 (default, Sep 4 2020, 07:30:14) Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information IPython 7.18.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help. In [1]: import pandas as pd ...: mapping = pd.DataFrame({'day': ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], 'daynum': range(1, 8)}) ...: print(mapping) day daynum 0 Sun 1 1 Mon 2 2 Tue 3 3 Wed 4 4 Thu 5 5 Fri 6 6 Sat 7 In [2]: df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [5, 2, 7, 0, 1, 8], 'y': [59, 63, 66, 61, 46, 66]}) ...: print(df) x y 0 5 59 1 2 63 2 7 66 3 0 61 4 1 46 5 8 66 In [3]: df['z'] = df['x'].map(mapping.set_index('daynum')['day']) ...: print(df) x y z 0 5 59 Thu 1 2 63 Mon 2 7 66 Sat 3 0 61 NaN 4 1 46 Sun 5 8 66 NaN
See also: - shows other possible solutions
map_one_column_to_another.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/19 22:46 by raju