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top level separation

I have a directory (say source/) with many sub directories and files under it (source/dir1, source/dir2, … , source/file1, source/file2, …). I want to copy it to two separate folders (say destA, destB). The first folder contains all the top level files (source/file1, source/file2 etc.,), the second folder contains the rest (source/dir1, source/dir2 etc., but not source/file1, or source/file2 etc.,).


rsync -prltvzD -n --delete-after --exclude='/*/' source/ destA/
rsync -prltvzD -n --delete-after --include='/*/' --exclude='/*' source/ destB
rsync_notes.1607122457.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/04 22:54 by raju