Table of Contents
How can I
vertical alignment of columns
show line endings
change the encoding to utf-8
:set fileencoding=utf8 :w myfilename
insert newline in search and replace
- %s/29/\r29/gc
will insert a new line before each occurrence of 29.
join lines with a character
- nmap J :s/\n/, /^M
Preprocess files before diffing them
tags | vimdiff, sort
print full file name
- :echo expand(“%:p”)
- :!ls %:p
- :!realpath % - be aware that realpath is not POSIX
- :!echo “$PWD/%” - very difficult to type this!
- 1 followed by ctrl-g - shows full path name but does not expand “~” to home directory
- :'<,'>!realpath % - to replace the current selection with the file path
- set statusline+=%F - will show full filename in the status bar
- ctrl-g - shows file path relative to vim's current working directory
vim_notes.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/02 18:18 by raju