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Notes from - Voyager 1 is back online! NASA's most distant spacecraft returns data from all 4 instruments

  • Voyager 1
    • It was launched in 1977.
    • It is now 46 years old and 24 billion kilometers away from Earth.
    • Its primary mission was to study Jupiter and Saturn and that was accomplished by 1980.
  • Voyager 1's dogged team
  • the flight data subsystem (FDS)
    • used to “package” data to be sent to Earth
  • sleuthing
  • Voyager 2
    • went on to study Uranus and Neptune
  • resynchronizing Voyager 1's timekeeping software
  • the digital tape recorder that measures plasma waves

Notes from

  • Bill James
  • Ed Thorp
diary/2024-06/2024-06-15.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/17 13:17 by raju